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At Worth Primary School, through the study of English, we aim to equip every child with the skills they need to be able to;

  • Read with ease and fluency for pleasure, as well as to enable full access to all other areas of the curriculum.
  • Develop a love of literature, through exposure to a rich variety of books.
  • Write with confidence and accuracy, expressing their ideas with increasing coherence for differing purposes and audiences.
  • Develop a wide vocabulary through their reading as well as explicit teaching.
  • Use correct spelling and grammar in their writing and speaking.
  • Become competent in the arts of speaking and listening, to gain information as well as to give opinions, participate in debate and make formal presentations.



English underpins everything we do at Worth and is taught daily throughout the school following the National Curriculum and EYFS Framework.

Early reading and writing are supported by daily Phonics teaching throughout the EYFS and KS1 using the Rising Stars Rocket Phonics scheme. As children move through KS1 and KS2, this learning is developed through robust teaching of the SPAG curriculum.

We make cross curricular links wherever possible in writing and we find that some of our children’s best writing is produced when tasks are linked to their learning in other subject areas. Each child has a separate Independent Writing exercise book which they take with them throughout the school so that by Year 6 we can evidence their progress in writing throughout the school.

Each class in school has its own library with a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books which children can access at various times throughout the week. Our school library provides further depth, particularly in non-fiction books. All staff encourage reading for pleasure as well as regularly teaching explicit skills of decoding and comprehension.



By the time children leave us, we want them to;

  • Enjoy reading and do so fluently and widely.
  • Be confident to take risks in their reading and writing.
  • Speak and write with grammatical accuracy and be able to apply spelling patterns correctly using a neat handwriting style.
  • Be ready to use their English skills to access all areas of the curriculum as they move to KS3.