Week 1 - Test on Fri 17th Jan
Mixed 2, 5 and 10 times tables
Week 2 - Test on Fri 24th Jan
3 times table
Week 3 - Test on Fri 31st Jan
6 times table
Week 4 - Test on Fri 7th Feb
4 times table
Week 5 - Test on Fri 14th Feb
8 times table
Your Maths homework is to go on TT Rockstars. Please aim for 5 minutes on at least 5 days of the week.
Here you will find resources to help you practise your times tables. These will include worksheets, games and links to useful websites.
Year 4 Multiplication Check
It is important to keep learning your times tables, this year, because all Year 4 pupils will take part in a Multiplication Check in the Summer term. This is a national test which will be carried out on a computer. You will be given the opportunity to practise the test in the ICT Suite, at school, on a regular basis but is recommended that you also practise at home.