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Times Tables

Week 1 - Test on Fri 4th Oct

Mixed 2, 5 and 10 times tables

The worksheets above are from the TT Rockstars website. They are another option to help you practise your times tables. You do not need to hand them into school, they are for home use.

Your Maths homework is to go on TT Rockstars. Please aim for 5 minutes on at least 5 days of the week.

Here you will find resources to help you practise your times tables. These will include worksheets, games and links to useful websites. 


Year 4 Multiplication Check

It is important to keep learning your times tables, this year, because all Year 4 pupils will take part in a Multiplication Check in the Summer term. This is a national test which will be carried out on a computer. You will be given the opportunity to practise the test in the ICT Suite, at school, on a regular basis but is recommended that you also practise at home.
