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Snow work



Please find English and Maths work for Wednesday 8th January. Don't feel you need to print this out - just write the answers down or type them out and email them in. Good luck!

English Work


The instructions and an example are included in the document.

Maths Work


Please complete the end of Unit Check for converting measurements. Don't feel you need to print this out - just write the answers down or type them out and email them in.



English work


In your English, I'd like you to write me two acrostic poems. One related to your snowy days and another related to anything about the Vikings (bonus points if you write one about Gunnar and some of the characteristics we saw yesterday!) Remember that we are in Year 6 and I will be looking out for adventurous vocabulary!




Topic work

Our new topic is Vikings! I'd like you to research 10 interesting facts about the Vikings. You will get 2 Team Points for every fact that you have that no-one else in the class has - good luck!



English Work


Today, as it's Free Write Friday, I'd like you to watch the first clip from the link below (The Legend of Tom Trueheart) and complete a piece of writing associated with it. This could be a detailed setting description, a story opener or a character description. Alternatively, I would like you to write me a personification poem about Winter. Like we discussed in our video call, this could be using Winter's battle with Autumn or Spring to bring your season alive.


The Film Trailers Shed - THE LITERACY SHED


Maths Work



Topic Work

Be as creative as you like with things around the house! I'd like you to do some junk modelling (or lego, playdough, clay etc) to create something related to the Vikings. This may be a longhouse, long ship, shields, swords, dragons... Basically anything you like! I've added some pictures below for inspiration. Enjoy and have a wonderful weekend!

