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Parent Info

Parent Meeting Information

Year 4 Tudor Workshop

As part of our topic on the Tudors, Year 4 will be taking part in a whole day workshop on Monday 4th November. This will take place at school and will include the following activities;

  • Survival strategies in Tudor England, covering crime & punishment, the school room, medicine, cosmetics and banqueting.
  • Craft activity making a souvenir from felt.
  • Performing a play and enjoying some Tudor entertainment in the hall.

We are very excited about the day; it will really bring our topic to life and enhance the children’s learning as well as being lots of fun. Children should wear their normal uniform on the day.

Swimming Lessons

Year 4 will be having swimming lessons, starting Thursday 19th September. These will be every Thursday, last lesson, for the next 10 weeks.


•Children need a swimming costume / trunks and a towel in a bag which fits in their locker and they can easily carry.

•Swimming caps for long hair.

•Earrings to be removed.

•Please don’t forget a warm, waterproof coat for the walk home.

•We should be back in plenty of time for home time but if we are running late, we will notify the office.

Parent Appointments

Parents' evening will be face-to-face appointments in the Spring Term.
Appointments can be booked online for Monday 10th February or Thursday 13th February.