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At Worth Primary School, through the study of history we aim to stimulate the curiosity of every pupil in the world around them, beginning with Poynton and Cheshire’ then expanding to Britain and the wider world.


Through learning about the past, we aim for our pupils to gain a sense of their own identity within a social, political, cultural and economic background and understand how the past has shaped their own lives. In addition, we will help pupils to understand and appreciate the diversity of human experience, broadening their horizons and challenging pre-conceived ideas


We hope that each and every pupil will develop a fascination about their world which will remain with them throughout their lives. We recognize the important role that History has to play in equipping our children with skills that they will use beyond school, such as knowing how to be responsible citizens, understanding societal development and developing a context through which to understand themselves and others.



We aim to provide a broad and ambitious history curriculum rich in subject knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum History Programme of study and the EYFS Framework. We ensure that skills and knowledge are built on year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximize learning for all children.


The curriculum is delivered through;

  • Opportunities to handle artefacts as well as looking at texts, photographs and secondary sources.
  • Cross – curricular links with Geography, Art & Design and Design & Technology through a topic based approach.
  • Regular Educational Trips and visits, providing first hand experiences and access to experts.
  • Opportunities to research the past using non-fiction books as well as ICT.
  • Opportunities to work collaboratively as well as independently.
  • Practice at asking as well as answering historical questions.



By the time children leave us, they should have developed:

  • The ability to use a range of sources to find historical information.
  • A good knowledge and understanding of chronology, including the use of timelines.
  • Skills of noting connections, comparisons, contrasts and patterns over time
  • An understanding of local, national and international history including knowledge of key events and important figures.
  • The ability to think critically, weigh evidence and develop perspective and judgement.
  • A lifelong curiosity about the world they live in and how it has been shaped by its history.