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At Worth Primary School, through the study of PSHE, we aim to give every pupil the tools they will need to become healthy, independent and responsible members of a diverse society. We support them in understanding how they are developing personally and socially and equip them to make choices and play a positive role in society.


We support pupils in developing their self-esteem and nurture their mental as well as physical well-being, putting in place the key building blocks to develop healthy, respectful relationships.


We know that our children are growing up in a world in which an ever-increasing amount of their social contact will be online. We support them in navigating the internet safely and responsibly and above all, teach them to talk openly about anything which worries them in this context.



We teach a spiral PSHE curriculum, with the whole school working on the same theme, building up depth of knowledge and understanding in an age-appropriate way. This teaching includes robust coverage of the statutory Relationships Education curriculum.


We are deliver the PSHE and Relationships curriculum using the “myhappymind” resources, as provided by Cheshire East. Each class receives at least 5 discrete sessions each half term. PSHE provides many opportunities for cross curricular learning and we believe that by finding these links, we embed the children’s understanding and encourage them to apply their skills.


There is no expectation to produce written work in every PSHE session. Some outcomes may be verbal, or lead to a piece of art or drama work. Some classes, particularly in KS1, choose to keep a class scrapbook of their learning in PSHE rather than exercise books.


We believe that parents and carers remain the prime educators for their children in many areas of PSHE, so we work closely with them to complement and reinforce their role. Through the myhappymind program, all families have access to an app which allows them to follow their child’s topics and complete parallel activities at home. We also talk to parents about our PSHE coverage at our class meetings at the start of each year.



By the time children leave us, they will:

  • Show kindness and respect to themselves and others.
  • Have developed a good understanding of how to stay safe and develop positive relationships, including online.
  • Have gained an appreciation of what it means to be live and work as a positive member of a diverse, multicultural society.
  • Show understanding of how their bodies and minds are growing and developing and how they will continue to do so.
  • Demonstrate and apply the British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Rule of Law, Mutual Respect and Liberty.
  • Have the self-belief to know that if they set a goal and persevere, they can achieve wonderful things.

My Happy Mind Objectives
