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At Worth Primary School, we want to encourage all our children to express themselves creatively. That means studying all aspects of Art and Design: personal and social, exploring art for a variety of reasons, in a variety of contexts. Most importantly, it means enjoying the journey, so that children can grow to appreciate and value the importance of art as a highly subjective and individual experience, but also one that is capable of bringing people together.



We aim to provide a broad and ambitious Art and Design curriculum; rich in subject knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum Art and Design Programs of study and EYFS Framework. From EYFS to KS2, children learn specific skills such as drawing, sculpture and painting, alongside the understanding and use of artistic vocabulary. In addition, they learn about colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space.


Our Art and Design teaching includes:

  • organising visits and trips that inspire pupils and allow them to see original works in galleries, museums and the wider environment
  • providing opportunities for the children to take part in local and national art competitions
  • continuing to collaborate with and build links within our local artistic community
  • Cross – curricular links with Geography, History and Design & Technology through a topic based approach.



  • Children are able to appreciate the diversity of Art and Design across cultures and time periods.
  • They have an awareness of different art movements, through the study of great artists, craft makers, architects and designers, from the past to present day.
  • Our pupils leave Worth as reflective learners. They evaluate their own and other’s work through self-critique and peer assessment.
  • Most importantly, they understand how to celebrate their work and feel proud of their artistic achievements.    