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At Worth Primary School, we teach a rich, balanced and progressive curriculum using mathematics to conquer reasoning, problem solving and fluency-based understanding within our different units of study. This core subject ensures coverage of the National Curriculum and EYFS Framework and allows children the opportunity to make connections between mathematics and everyday life skills. We promote positive ‘can do’ mindsets within our lessons and ensure mistakes and misconceptions are integrated into learning opportunities to consolidate learning. We ensure a sequence of small steps to guide and progress each child’s understanding.



At Worth Primary School, in conjunction with the White Rose Maths Scheme which supports our teaching, we ensure our curriculum is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in mathematics. This inclusive approach is based on the principles of cognitive psychology and child development.  Students will gain a deep understanding of mathematics and enjoy solving mathematical problems.


The primary curriculum puts a significant emphasis on mathematical skills. The aim of this program is to ensure that students can think mathematically and solve problems with confidence. This curriculum offers 'small steps' progression and yearly frameworks, which allow children to learn at their own pace while still achieving high standards.


Children are provided with a broad range of opportunities and experiences which develop their mathematical fluency using a range of representations such as concrete (physical resources), pictorial (pictures and images) and abstract (numbers and symbols we are familiar with). We use end of unit and half termly assessments. Booster sessions help children to become competent with all four formal operations, learning all arithmetic skills and being able to use these within problem solving situations.



  • Children in our school show enthusiasm for this core subject, with some pupils frequently sharing a desire to be challenged further in their learning.
  • Children may make mistakes but will be able to learn from these and explain the processes and strategies they have used to tackle the problem and the reason why they have chosen them.
  • We are shaping happy, confident and resilient learners who discover that mathematics brings an exciting journey of discovery, understanding – and a lifetime of opportunities.