At Worth Primary School, we believe that learning a modern foreign language is an essential part of being a member of a multi-cultural society. The importance we place on language learning can be evidenced in our attainment of the ‘International Schools Award’ (2019). Our lessons aim to give our children a new perspective on the world and provide them with an opportunity to learn about other cultures. It is our belief that a high-quality languages education will enable our students to express themselves in another language, to understand and respond to its speakers – both in speech and in writing. By providing our pupils with the ‘building blocks’ to language learning, we hope to ignite in them a passion for languages. Our ultimate goal is to equip our children with a strong foundation of language learning skills to inspire them to potentially work or study abroad in years to come.
As set out in the National Curriculum Languages Programme of Study for Key Stage Two, our languages teaching will enable our students to make substantial progress in one language. Our main language is Spanish, and we aim to provide a balance between spoken language learning and written language learning. At Worth Primary School, language lessons are delivered throughout KS2 by two teachers who are confident language speakers. Lesson content is based upon the ‘La Jolie Ronde’ scheme of work, in addition to other resources. In Lower KS2, children acquire basic skills and understanding of Spanish with a strong emphasis placed on developing their oracy skills. These skills will be further developed and embedded in Upper KS2, alongside Reading and Writing.
The curriculum is delivered by:
The MFL subject leader carries out language teaching across Years 3, 5 and 6 and the Year 4 classroom teacher carries out language teaching in their own class. In addition to learning Spanish, as part of a transition project “Discovering Languages” with Poynton High School, each class will receive five or six lessons a year learning another language. This approach reduces insularity and enables students to make connections across other languages and develop an increasingly complex set of language skills.
It is intended that when children leave Worth Primary School, they will: