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In order to help children learn and consolidate their understanding and application of different spelling rules, there will be 6 spellings that follow a particular rule uploaded each week. Your child should try and think of other words where the spelling rule can be applied. During the test, they will receive 4 mystery spellings whereby they need to apply the spelling rule learnt.


Test books will be sent home each Friday and need to be returned every Monday.


By the end of Year 3, your child should be able to read all the Common Exception words for Year 3 and previous years, alongside accurately spelling these words.  We will have weeks where the focus will be on these words but we suggest that you keep looking at a few of these each week to help your child learn them.

Year 3 Word List

Different ways to learn spellings

Spellings, Week 1, To be tested Wednesday, January 29th

Spelling – Spring, Week 2 – To be tested Wednesday, February 5th

Spellings, Week 3, To be tested Wednesday, February 12th
