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Home Learning Activities January 2025

Friday 10th January


Good morning!

It was lovely to see everybody on the teams call yesterday! 

Below I have set some more activities for today's home learning.


Again, don't worry if you don't have access to a printer a lot of the activities can be done without. It would also be great if you did some reading whilst at home and maybe answering some questions about the book if they have been read!


I look forward to seeing you all for our teams call at 9.20.

Have a lovely day and a lovely weekend!

Miss Taylor


Maths Activity-

English and Topic Activities-

Below I have attached the English and Topic activities for today. Following on from yesterday, I would like you to go over the Year 1 sound mat and ensure that you can say each word/sound using your sound fingers and blending. 

I have attached a few different worksheets that can be completed with or without a printer. Please can they be handed in when the children are back in school.

Our topic activity is continuing with our toys theme and again there is a printable and non printable option.

English and Topic activities-

Thursday 9th January-

English and Topic Activities-

Below I have attached an English and a Topic activity. Please could you look at/print the common exception word mat for Year 1. 

Firstly, can you check that you can read all the words on the word mat. If not, try to learn a few that you are unsure of. You could then have a go at spelling a few of the words and putting them into a sentence.


Next I have attached a work sheet for you to draw and describe your favourite toy, remembering adjectives, capital letter and full stops as well as your neatest handwriting. 


Year 1 English and Topic activities 9.1.25

Good Morning,

I have attached a maths worksheet and video from White Rose. If you are not able to print the worksheet it would still be really helpful to watch the video attached. 

I have also attached an English task for the children to complete, it would be great if this could be returned to school on paper when the children are back in.

Whilst the children are at home it would be great if they could do some reading also.

I have attached some maths games under the 'Maths homework' tab if the children also wish to access them.

I hope everyone stays safe and warm and I look forward to hopefully seeing you all tomorrow,

Miss Taylor

Year 1 English home learning 8.1.25
