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Worth Reading Challenge

Worth Primary School Reading Challenge 2025

This year, we are travelling Pole-to Pole this year as we complete Jonty’s Journey!


Based on the new Julia Donaldson book – Jonty Gentoo, we are following Jonty’s journey from London Zoo, in search of penguins just like him!


Can we make it all the way to the South Pole? 


Individual Challenge

If individual children complete their own challenge, they will get their own certificate, prize, and a chance to win a special treat and star prize. Every time you read at home, you need to complete the special chart in your reading log.  Depending on your class, a set number of minutes will earn you a jump.  If you read 4 times a week for the times given for your class for 8 weeks, then you will complete the challenge. 

Can the whole school work together to do the same to earn an explorer’s themed prize?


Whole School Challenge

While earning your own reward for reading, you will also be contributing to our whole school challenge.  It is about 24,300 kms to the South Pole.  Every child’s reading minutes will be converted to kilometres and we will have a special assembly each week to see if we are on track to make it to the South Pole. Only reading at home will count.  If we succeed, we have a very special explorer’s day planned, the week before Easter – but only if we hit our target!


Extreme Reading

We are also launching our 'Extreme Reading' again, where you can send in pictures of your children reading in weird and wonderful places!  We like to share these in our Friday celebration assembly. In what weird and wonderful places can you get immersed in a book?  Send your pictures to the office and we will share them in assembly and display some on our special reading challenge display in the hall. This year, we are also giving a prize to one child from each class for the best extreme reading picture.


Each week, we will also update you in the Weekly News to let you know how far we have travelled and if we are on track complete.


Please support our journey and your children to help us reach our goal!  There will be prizes, certificates and a very special explorers themed day if we can make it!


Happy Reading!

