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Feliz viaje!

Spanish Exchange Cards are on their way to Spain!

Last half term, children from Reception through to Year 6 worked very hard to write a letter in our target language, Spanish, for their 'penpals' in Spain. They designed some beautiful front covers to turn their letters into cards. Over the Easter Holidays, Miss Muncey, our MFL Co-Ordinator, posted the exchange cards to our link school in Zaragoza, Spain. Señora Garcia, our contact at the Spanish School has also sent her letters and cards to us. We expect to receive the correspondence from our Spanish penpals next week. Our children and the children in Spain are very excited to receive each other's work. Miss Muncey was very proud of the children as she posted off their amazing final pieces. Well done children for approaching this project with so much enthusiasm - we are very proud of you!
